So this week has been a hard one. I have a child who is extremely stubborn and does not want to listen. Time outs only work sometimes, spanking does not work at all, taking things away don't work. Nothing really works with this child of mine. So long story short I had been talking to his father on skype and I made a comment out loud that my mom misunderstood. She thought I was trying to give Aden up for adoption. So anyways she was so mad she hasn't talked to me since then. FINALLY today I called her at work where she couldn't yell at me. She finally let me explain to her what I had said and what was said online before that. So now I think we are okay. My family life is crazy. I also had a disappointing conversation with Andrew's mom and found out that I can not move back in with them, which I pretty much already new but it was sad to hear.
NO MORE PACIFIERS! Aden is going to be three in two months and he has chewed through his last pacifier. I am not buying him anymore. So last nights bed time was more difficult then usual. My son already does not go to bed easily. His bed time is eight and that's when I put him in the bedroom and I am lucky if he falls asleep before midnight. Nap time is also a war. So anyways last night was harder. Not only would he not go to sleep but we had the crying and screaming because he didn't have a pacifier.
My son and I share a room since I live at home still and we can't afford for everyone to have their own room. He sleeps in his own toddler bed which is next to my bed. So I go in there at ten and he is still crying because he wants his pacifier. I tried rocking him holding his had and even letting him lay down with me. Nothing worked so finally I put him back in his bed, grabbed my ipod and blasted it in my ears so I couldn't hear him at this point is already eleven. So finally he starts to get quiet and I turn off my ipod. He finally fell asleep at 11:20.
Nap time was not fun today. I put him in the room with a movie on at noon and then finally went in there because he refused to lay down. He finally fell asleep at two. I don't know what to do about this child. I think its because we live in an apartment and he needs to get out all his energy and there is no where for him to do that here. Maybe that's why he likes his daddy's house so much more. So anyways I finally got him to sleep and I started reading Twilight for the third time. Yes I am a Twilight Saga junkie.
I am in the middle of baking cookies and then it is bed time. Tonight I am putting Aden to sleep late so that I don't have to fight with him to go to sleep. I am hoping he goes to sleep better tonight.
I am now of to bed. I have completed the my first day of the 60 day challenge
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