Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Unknown

I strugle with the unkown. I am the type of person who needs to know what is going on at all times. I like to have plans and scedules. Some people may say that I am controlling. To me its not about being in control. To me it is a sence of security. Of knowing things are going to be okay. That they will work out the way I want them. I know that things happen that are not part of the plan. Things change, things happen or don't happen. Its a part of life. For the most part I am okay when it happens. Its a surprise, but I deal with it and cope. Much of my life has been a surprise. I try to plan out as much as I can, knowing that it may not end up that way. I am learning to except the unexpected and trust that God does know and that he will carry me through it. Its hard sometimes and I have doubts and I have questions. There are times when I don't want to move forward into the unknown but rather stay in the safe place that I know. Its when my faith is tested and God reaches out his hand and asks me "Do you trust me, do you believe?". Lately I go to him often and ask for his guidence along this path of unknown. I ask him to guide me in my parenting. To give me patience and stength. I ask him for guidence in my relationship. To help me make the right decisions or say the right things. To give me the strenght to do what is right for Aden. I struggle with giving him all the control and putting everything in his hands, I know I need to and I know that he knows best but its hard to do. Each day is a new day and I long to be closer to him, to trust his more, to strengthen my faith.

I will get back to doing the About me in 30 posts.


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