I haven't been on in awhile. Been really really busy with things. I have decided to homeschool Aden, at least with preschool. We started Yesterday. It's been going well so far. Aden really likes learning and doing our projects. I have also been really crafty lately. I have been crocheting hats like crazy and selling them. It has paid for Christmas. Thinking about starting a little home business with it and selling online. I am still finishing up high school. I am a few months behind. I will be graduating about 2-3 months later then I should be, but that's all right. At least I'm graduating.
I am going to be doing some new things with this blog. I will be posting about our homeschooling and cute projects to do with your kiddos.
Hope you all have a wonderful New Years I won't be on until after
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Unknown
I strugle with the unkown. I am the type of person who needs to know what is going on at all times. I like to have plans and scedules. Some people may say that I am controlling. To me its not about being in control. To me it is a sence of security. Of knowing things are going to be okay. That they will work out the way I want them. I know that things happen that are not part of the plan. Things change, things happen or don't happen. Its a part of life. For the most part I am okay when it happens. Its a surprise, but I deal with it and cope. Much of my life has been a surprise. I try to plan out as much as I can, knowing that it may not end up that way. I am learning to except the unexpected and trust that God does know and that he will carry me through it. Its hard sometimes and I have doubts and I have questions. There are times when I don't want to move forward into the unknown but rather stay in the safe place that I know. Its when my faith is tested and God reaches out his hand and asks me "Do you trust me, do you believe?". Lately I go to him often and ask for his guidence along this path of unknown. I ask him to guide me in my parenting. To give me patience and stength. I ask him for guidence in my relationship. To help me make the right decisions or say the right things. To give me the strenght to do what is right for Aden. I struggle with giving him all the control and putting everything in his hands, I know I need to and I know that he knows best but its hard to do. Each day is a new day and I long to be closer to him, to trust his more, to strengthen my faith.
I will get back to doing the About me in 30 posts.
I will get back to doing the About me in 30 posts.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
All About Me in 30 Days- Day 3 ~ My favorite television program
I don't watch a whole lot of TV but I do LOVE CSI. Its probably my favorite show that I never miss.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
About Me in 30 Days- Day 2 ~ My favorite movie
So again, I have a lot of favorite movies. I have a ton of movies that I love. Right now one of my favorites is What Happens in Vegas. I love the story between Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. I think its a great movie.
Friday, November 12, 2010
About me in 30 day- Day 1 ~ My favorite songs
So I listen to a lot of music, its a part of my life. I couldn't imagine not having music. My favorite song changes almost everyday depending on my mood. So today my favorite song is Empty Me by Jeremy Camp
Thursday, November 11, 2010
All About Me in 30 Days
I just saw this "All About Me In 30 Days". It's pretty easy. Each day, there's a topic. I post my answers.
So, here are the questions:
Day 1 ~ My favorite songs
Day 2 ~ My favorite movie
Day 3 ~ My favorite television program
Day 4 ~ My favorite book
Day 5 ~ My favorite quote
Day 6 ~ 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 ~ A photo that makes me happy
Day 8 ~ A photo that makes me angry/sad
Day 9 ~ A photo that I took
Day 10 ~ A photo of me 10 years ago
Day 11 ~ A recent photo of me
Day 12 ~ Something I am OCD about
Day 13 ~ A fictional book
Day 14 ~ A non~fictional book
Day 15 ~ My dream house
Day 16 ~ A song that makes me cry (or want to)
Day 17 ~ An art piece
Day 18 ~ My wedding
Day 19 ~ My talent
Day 20 ~ My hobby
Day 21 ~ A recipe
Day 22 ~ A website
Day 23 ~ A Youtube video
Day 24 ~ Where I live
Day 25 ~ My day in great detail
Day 26 ~ My week in great detail
Day 27 ~ My worst habit
Day 28 ~ What’s in my handbag
Day 29 ~ My hopes, dreams, plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 ~ A dream for the future beyond the next year
So I will start this tomorrow and I hope I can keep up with it, so wish me luck.
So, here are the questions:
Day 1 ~ My favorite songs
Day 2 ~ My favorite movie
Day 3 ~ My favorite television program
Day 4 ~ My favorite book
Day 5 ~ My favorite quote
Day 6 ~ 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 ~ A photo that makes me happy
Day 8 ~ A photo that makes me angry/sad
Day 9 ~ A photo that I took
Day 10 ~ A photo of me 10 years ago
Day 11 ~ A recent photo of me
Day 12 ~ Something I am OCD about
Day 13 ~ A fictional book
Day 14 ~ A non~fictional book
Day 15 ~ My dream house
Day 16 ~ A song that makes me cry (or want to)
Day 17 ~ An art piece
Day 18 ~ My wedding
Day 19 ~ My talent
Day 20 ~ My hobby
Day 21 ~ A recipe
Day 22 ~ A website
Day 23 ~ A Youtube video
Day 24 ~ Where I live
Day 25 ~ My day in great detail
Day 26 ~ My week in great detail
Day 27 ~ My worst habit
Day 28 ~ What’s in my handbag
Day 29 ~ My hopes, dreams, plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 ~ A dream for the future beyond the next year
So I will start this tomorrow and I hope I can keep up with it, so wish me luck.
Haven't been posting much...
So I haven't been on since around August, sorry about that. My life has been extremely hectic as I'm sure you would all understand. I am in my last year of high school (amen to that) I have been working on a LOT of homework as well as raising a 3 year old. That's right my baby turned 3 in September. We had a nice little party at the park with close family and friends. It was a beautiful day. So anyways my life has been crazy keeping up with everything that my blog fell behind. We also had some deaths in the family. I lost my Grandma in June and have been dealing with that and family issues and my Aunt just past away last week.
On a different subject, I have been a huge follower of Angie Smith's blog. I love love love her. She is very inspirational in her faith. If you have never read her blog I strongly suggest it. She also has an online book club. I haven't actually started reading the book but I plan to catch up on it soon.
So I will be trying to keep up with my blog as much as possible.
With Love,
On a different subject, I have been a huge follower of Angie Smith's blog. I love love love her. She is very inspirational in her faith. If you have never read her blog I strongly suggest it. She also has an online book club. I haven't actually started reading the book but I plan to catch up on it soon.
So I will be trying to keep up with my blog as much as possible.
With Love,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Bucket List
So I have been thinking for awhile about doing a bucket list and just never sat down to do it. I joined bloggy moms about a week ago and started doing the weekly writing challenges. So this one is to create my bucket list. I have tons of things I want to do before I die. What's your bucket list?
1) Watch Aden grow up
2) Get him to graduate high school and then college
3)Get my Bachelors degree for nursing
4) Get our dream house in Colorado
5) Marry Andrew
6) Get my first tattoo
7) Get back into at least a size 5
8) Take Aden to Disneyland
9) Go on the Disney Cruise
10) Go on Vacation to Hawaii
11) Go to Italy
12) Got to Ireland
13) Do something important
14) Save a life
15) Have a little girl
16) Meet my Grandkids.
I am going to add this to my side bar and cross things off as I go and also add to it.
Make your bucket list and see how far you can get :)
1) Watch Aden grow up
2) Get him to graduate high school and then college
3)Get my Bachelors degree for nursing
4) Get our dream house in Colorado
5) Marry Andrew
6) Get my first tattoo
7) Get back into at least a size 5
8) Take Aden to Disneyland
9) Go on the Disney Cruise
10) Go on Vacation to Hawaii
11) Go to Italy
12) Got to Ireland
13) Do something important
14) Save a life
15) Have a little girl
16) Meet my Grandkids.
I am going to add this to my side bar and cross things off as I go and also add to it.
Make your bucket list and see how far you can get :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Meaningful Objects
So everyone has a meaningful object. I have a few. I am not one that collects things really. I don't hold on to a lot of things. I'm the one saying "You don't need to keep that, its just going to sit there or in a box and collect dust." There are some things however that I am not going to let go. My son's keepsake box. It is a box that has a few of his outfits from when he was first born, his first size diaper, and some things from the hospital. My grandpa's train set. Its huge and right now I don't have room for it so it's in a box, and my grandma's Christmas display village that she made. Theses are all things that I hold near and dear and that I never want to let go of.
My son has a blanket that he just won't let go of. It use to be this beautiful shade of baby blue and it had a white trim. It is now a grey color will a ton of little holes in it. He takes it everywhere. He drags it around. He just won't let that thing go.
So what's your meaningful object?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Mommy of One's giveaway
Shanna from "Mommy of One" is doing a give away right now that ends 9.04
Its for a kids shopping cart from Magic Cabin.
I just entered and you should too.
Its for a kids shopping cart from Magic Cabin.
I just entered and you should too.
August 2010 Blog Challenge
I am doing the August 2010 Blog Challenge from Bloggy Moms. This months topic is fashion.
I have never really considered myself really fashionable. I do my own thing. I have always been a jeans and tshirts girl. I wear my jeans with sandals or vans. Mostly sandals. I don't really go by the latest trends. I don't follow what the stars are wearing. If I see a tshirt I like I get it. Same with my jeans.
I am now a momma and my style hasn't changed at all. I have heals that I never wear, dresses pushed to the back of my closet. My daily outfit is jeans a tshirt and my hair pulled back, sometimes a little eyeliner and mascara. I don't really have the time to dress up or do anything with my hair. Even if I did I probably wouldn't.
I have never really considered myself really fashionable. I do my own thing. I have always been a jeans and tshirts girl. I wear my jeans with sandals or vans. Mostly sandals. I don't really go by the latest trends. I don't follow what the stars are wearing. If I see a tshirt I like I get it. Same with my jeans.
I am now a momma and my style hasn't changed at all. I have heals that I never wear, dresses pushed to the back of my closet. My daily outfit is jeans a tshirt and my hair pulled back, sometimes a little eyeliner and mascara. I don't really have the time to dress up or do anything with my hair. Even if I did I probably wouldn't.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Home School??
I am really considering home schooling Aden. It is not something Andrew and I agree on. He thinks it would be better for him to go to a public school, although Andrew and I did not do good in public schools. I at least want to do preschool with him at home. Then when Kindergarten rolls around we will see what happens. I really need some ideas though.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 4: "wheel wheel fast"
I don't have a whole lot to blog about tonight. Aden got a new pair of shoes. He said " I like them berry berry much so I can run wheel wheel fast". He is so entertaining and I just love to watch him and see what he is going to do next. Aden brings me so much joy even if he drives me crazy sometimes. I don't know what I would do with out my little monster. I will post a picture of Aden and his new shoes tomorrow.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."
Psalm 127:3
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."
Psalm 127:3
Friday, July 16, 2010
Day 3: Scrapbooking
So I have always loved scrapbooking. My very first scrapbook was my 6th Grade Camp Scrapbook with my best friend at the time Destiny. Never did I think that only 2 very short years later I would be having a baby.
So anyways when I found out I was pregnant I new I wanted to scrapbook my baby's life. So I started collecting things. I had already had this awesome set from a good friend of mine she had gotten it for me the Christmas before. I started getting stickers and papers and things. Target had an awesome dollar section that had a bunch of scrapbook stuff so I stalked up.
When my son was born my life was crazy. I was living at my boyfriends house with his parents, brother, and my mom. So there was 6 of us and a baby in a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house. Needless to say it was cozy. I didn't really have the time or space to scrapbook. I stayed there until Aden was 2 and I moved back home in January on this year. Now that I do have the room I don't have the time. My son is almost 3 now and I still have not started scrapbooking. That ends now.
Yesterday I got all of my stuff out and started organizing it. I put it all into one box. So this weekend I am going to start scrapbooking the first year of my sons life.
To all you moms out there, scrapbook your kids lives. Its a lot better then just a photo album filled with pictures.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Not Much
Today wasn't very interesting. I don't have much to blog about. Aden didn't take a nap today so I am hoping that he will go to bed easier it already almost 9. He took a bath and made a mess. There was a lake on my bathroom floor. I guess thats what happens when you don't spend every minute in there with him. I am going to start scrapbooking. This post is really random so I am going to go ahead and stop. I hope Aden goes to sleep better tonight and I have made it through day 2 of the 60 Day Challenge :D
Candid Photos
So I do not look good in candid photos. Nope not at all. I mean I guess some but not in the ones that Andrew's Grandmother took on the 4th of July. They are awful. Now my son is adorable in all of his photos. Its just not fair. So anyways here are some pictures from the 4th (not my candid ones)
I will be posting again later probably I just thought I would upload theses as well.
At the end of the night candid or not I was not looking very good lol
I am also very proud of the outfit I made for Aden. I think it turned out great.I will be posting again later probably I just thought I would upload theses as well.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 1: No More Pacifiers

So this week has been a hard one. I have a child who is extremely stubborn and does not want to listen. Time outs only work sometimes, spanking does not work at all, taking things away don't work. Nothing really works with this child of mine. So long story short I had been talking to his father on skype and I made a comment out loud that my mom misunderstood. She thought I was trying to give Aden up for adoption. So anyways she was so mad she hasn't talked to me since then. FINALLY today I called her at work where she couldn't yell at me. She finally let me explain to her what I had said and what was said online before that. So now I think we are okay. My family life is crazy. I also had a disappointing conversation with Andrew's mom and found out that I can not move back in with them, which I pretty much already new but it was sad to hear.
NO MORE PACIFIERS! Aden is going to be three in two months and he has chewed through his last pacifier. I am not buying him anymore. So last nights bed time was more difficult then usual. My son already does not go to bed easily. His bed time is eight and that's when I put him in the bedroom and I am lucky if he falls asleep before midnight. Nap time is also a war. So anyways last night was harder. Not only would he not go to sleep but we had the crying and screaming because he didn't have a pacifier.
My son and I share a room since I live at home still and we can't afford for everyone to have their own room. He sleeps in his own toddler bed which is next to my bed. So I go in there at ten and he is still crying because he wants his pacifier. I tried rocking him holding his had and even letting him lay down with me. Nothing worked so finally I put him back in his bed, grabbed my ipod and blasted it in my ears so I couldn't hear him at this point is already eleven. So finally he starts to get quiet and I turn off my ipod. He finally fell asleep at 11:20.
Nap time was not fun today. I put him in the room with a movie on at noon and then finally went in there because he refused to lay down. He finally fell asleep at two. I don't know what to do about this child. I think its because we live in an apartment and he needs to get out all his energy and there is no where for him to do that here. Maybe that's why he likes his daddy's house so much more. So anyways I finally got him to sleep and I started reading Twilight for the third time. Yes I am a Twilight Saga junkie.
I am in the middle of baking cookies and then it is bed time. Tonight I am putting Aden to sleep late so that I don't have to fight with him to go to sleep. I am hoping he goes to sleep better tonight.
I am now of to bed. I have completed the my first day of the 60 day challenge
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
60 Day Challenge
Okay so this is my last post for today lol. I am going to be doing a blogging 60 day challenge. I have to blog once a day for 60 days. I think after that I will be use to blogging and I will be keeping up this blog. So my 60 day challenge starts tomorrow. I hope I can do it :D
The Little Monster

Welcome to my blog. My name is Bree and I am a teen mom. I have a 2 1/2 year old little boy who is very active. He keeps me very busy and most of my time revolves around him. I started a blog a few months ago but deleted it. In that blog I started at the beginning of my life as a teen mom. I have decided that in this blog I will not do that. I am going to be posting from this day on, not the past. I will post different things on here so sorry in advanced for any random things. I don't really know what I will be posting. Probably my daily life as a teen mommy. I don't think I will post something everyday but I am going to try and do something at least once a week. So again welcome to my blog. Hope you enjoy, my life can be very amusing at times :D
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